Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us at Escribir Academy, which can be reached at and we're dedicated to keeping it safe through this Privacy Policy.

This privacy statement is valid for website visitors and only pertains to our online activity. It describes the many kinds of data we gather and how we use it.

You hereby agree to our Privacy Policy's provisions and consent to their application by using our website.

Information that we gather
Through the use of tools like Google Analytics, we might be able to automatically collect some data as well as personal information. This data may contain specifics regarding your physical location, surfing habits, and interactions between your computer and our website. This data is used by us for statistical analysis to enhance our services and improve our website.

How we use the data you provide

We use the private data we gather in the following ways:

delivering pertinent data, product offers, and updates about your subscriptions and purchases to you

executing any agreements you have with the business.

directing our company's operations and providing client service.

advertisement personalization based on your preferences, interests, and activities

If there are any updates to this policy, we'll post them on our website and email you if you're still a registered user. You are accountable for making sure we have an accurate, live, and deliverable email address for you and for regularly checking our website and this privacy statement for changes.

Retaining data

Until any of the following occurs, we will keep the data you give us.

(A) You ask for the data to be deleted.
(a) We choose to stop utilising our current data suppliers.
(c) The Company decides that the benefits of keeping the data outweigh the related costs.

Your legal rights

You have the right to request access to your data, make changes to it, or ask for processing limitations. Please get in touch with us if you want to exercise any of these rights.

Please be aware that this privacy statement only covers our online operations and excludes data that we may acquire offline or from sources other than our website.